Monday, July 20, 2015

निरंतर बदलता आतंक का चेहरा - मेरा अनुभव हिंदी में पहला ब्लॉग

 आतंकवाद और अलगाववाद दोनो का खतरा बढ़ता जा रहा है। और यह खतरा केवल भारत में ही नहीं विश्व के कई भागों में एक बड़ी चुनौती का रूप ले चुका है। इस्लामिक स्टेट या आई एस आई एस इसी आतंकवाद का एक निर्मम और अत्यंत घिनौना स्वरुप है। और भारत में इस्लामिक स्टेट के आतंकियों का खतरा बड़ा है – इसलिए नही कि सीरिया या ईराक से टोयोटा पिक अप गाड़ियों के दहिश के आतंकी सीमा लांघ कर आएंगे – बल्कि इसलिए क्योकिं इंटरनैट की मदद से इन आतंकियों को सीमा पर करने की आवश्यकता ही नहीं है। यह तो केवल यहीं कुछ नौजवानो को धर्म के नाम पर गुमराह कर सैंकड़ो बेगुनाहों को निशाना बना सकते हैं। लोन वुल्फ यानि हथियारो से लैस इकलौता आतंकी इस समय सुरक्षा बलो के लिए बड़ी चुनौती है।
1994 से, जब मैने पत्रकारिता शुरू की आतंकवाद का निरंतर बदलता चेहरा देखा – और आने वाले समय में यह चेहरा और क्रूर, निर्मम और निर्दोशों की जान लेता दिखाई दे रहा है। हालांकि आतंकी निरंतर बेगुनाहो को निशाना बनाते आएं है अपने राजनीतिक मकसद को साधने के लिए फिर चाहे हम बात करें खालिस्तान तलाशते सिख गुटो कीं या फिर कश्मीर को स्वर्ग से नर्क की ओर ले जाते नौजवानो की । भारत में पनप रहे आतंकवाद में पाकिस्तान की सेना और आई एस आई की अहम भूमिका रही है।
1999 में पाकिस्तान ने कारगिल में भारत की सीमा में लगभग 150 किलोमीटर इलाके में 5-20 किलोमीटर अंदर तक घुसपैठ की। उस समय में इंडियन एक्सप्रैस समाचार पत्र में था। मुझे कारगिल भेजा गया। मई के मध्य में तो सेना को भी पाकिस्तानी घुसपैठ का अंदाज़ नहीं था किंतु जून आते आते सेना और देश को अहसास हुआ कि पाकिस्तान ने किस तरह एक बार फिर भारत की पीठ में छुरा भोंका। कारगिल में द्रास और मश्कोह घाटी से लेकर बटालिक और सियाचिन तक में करीब ढाई महिने रहा। भारत की सेना का अदम्य साहस देखा और पाकिस्तान का दोमुहांपन भी। सेना के साथ मैं भी उन्ही के बंकरो में रहा, उन्ही का लंगर खाया और उन्ही की वीरता की कहानियां देखी और लिखीं। 1999 में ही मैने कारगिल युद्ध पर एक पुस्तक भी लिखी – डेटलाईन कारगिल। जुलाई में भारत ने पाकिस्तान को पीठ दिखाने पर मजबूर किया – परास्त पाकिस्तान ने कारगिल की उंचाईया छोड़ दी।
अगस्त के महिने में एक दिन वायुसेना मुख्यालय से फोन आया। पाकिस्तानी नौसेना के एक विमान एटलांटिक ने गुजरात में हमारे इलाके की टोह लेने का प्रयास किया तो उसे मार गिराया गया। उसी शाम वायुसेना के एक विशेष विमान से हम गुजरात के नलिया एयरबेस पहुंचे। वीर स्क्वाड्रन लीडक बुंदेला से भेंट हुई। पाकिस्तानी टोही विमान हमारी वायुसीमा में घुसपैठ कर रहा था – उसे लैड करने का आदेश दिया गया तो उसे भागने की कोशिश की इसिलिए उसे गिरा दिया गया। बदले की आग पाकिस्तान से सीने मे धधक रही थी और चार महिने बाद दिसंबर 1999 में उसने काठमांडू से दिल्ली आ रहा आई सी 814 को हाईजैक कर दिया। मैं उस समय दिल्ली में ही था और अगले एक सप्ताह तक निरंतर 7 रेस कोर्स रोड और नागरिक उड्डन मंत्रालय से उस खबर को रिपोर्ट किया। कितु यह प्रश्न मन में रहेगा कि क्यो भारत ने अमृतसर में विमान के पहिए में गोली मार कर उसे रोका नहीं और क्यों 31 दिसंबर तक यात्रियों को वापस लाने के लिए घुटने टेके सरकार नें।
युद्ध में पाकिस्तान भारत को परास्त नही कर सकता यह बात साफ हो गई – न 1947-48 में, न 1965 में, न 1971 में और न ही कारगिल में । फिर पाकिस्तान में बैठे आंतक के आकाओं ने एक और घिनौना खेल खेला। प्रजातंत्र के मंदिर संसद पर हमला किया। साज़िश के तार पाकिस्तान और कश्मीर होते हुए दिल्ली पहुंचे। लश्कर ए तयेबा और पाकिस्तान में बैठे बाकि आतंकी संगठनो के बेनकाब होते ही पाकिस्तान नें इंडियन मुजहीदीन को जन्म दिया। फिर चाहे दिल्ली के बाज़ारो में हमला हो या फिर मुंबई, बैंगलोर, जयपुर, अहमदाबाद, उत्तर प्रदेश के वाराणसी ले लेकर जम्मू कश्मीर तक – लगभग हर बड़े आतंकी हमले को मैने रिपोर्ट किया। सैंकड़ो बेगुनाहो को आतंक का शिकार होते देखा, पाकिस्तान का और पाकिस्तान के इशारो पर नाचने वाले हमारे कुछ नौजवानों को देखा। आतंक को बेहद करीब से मैने दिल्ली के बाटला हाउस इंकाउटर में देखा। 1995 से मैं क्राईम रिपोर्टर था को इंसपेक्टर मोहन चंद शर्मा और उनकी पूरी टीम को जानता ही था। सबसे पहला फोन उन्ही के साथी का आया। खासा तनावपूर्ण वातावरण था जब इंकाउंटर हुआ जामिया नगर इलाके में। रोष था लोगो में किंतु दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण यह बात की कि सच्चाई सामनें आने के बावजूद एक तबका सुरक्षा बलों को निशाना बनाता रहा। ताकि उनका मनोबल टूटे। बाटला हाउस से फरार एक कथित इंडियन मुजाहीदिन का आतंकी तो हमारे दफ्तर आया और स्टूडियो से गिरफ्तार हुआ।
आतंक का सबसे घिनौना चेहरा मैने मुंबई 26/11 को देखा। उस शाम मैं स्टूडियो में था जब पहली खबर कैफे लियोपोल्ड में गोली चलने की आई, फिर विले पार्ले में टैक्सी में धमाका उसके बाद औबराय होटल में गोली चली, रेलवे स्टेशन की तस्वीरे देख कर दिल दहल गया और फिर ताज में। रात चार बजे तक में लगातार स्टूडियो में था और फिर सुबह 6 बजे की फ्लाईट लेकर 8 बजे मुंबई में। अगले तीन दिनो तक पूरे विश्व ने देखा पाकिस्तानी आतंकियों ने किस तरह मौत का तांडव रचा। परते खुली तो पाकिस्तान बेनकाब हुआ। मैं शिकागो भी गया जहां डेविड कोलमैन हैडली ने पाकिस्तान को पूरी तरह से बनकाब किया इस साज़िश में। दुर्भाग्यवश फिर भी पाकिस्तान ने अपना मार्ग नही बदला और अब तक भारत विफल रहा है आंतक के आकाओ के खिलाफ कार्यवाही हो। किंतु प्रयास निरंतर चल रहा है।
2003 में मुझे इराक में युद्ध कवर करने का मौका मिला। सद्दाम हुसैन का फरार होना, जॉर्डन से बगदाद का सफर गोली बारी के बीच, सद्दाम की मूर्ति गिरना, अबु गरेब जेल का खाली होना सब देखा। लेकिन उससे भी रोमांचक था कर्नल गद्दाफी की गद्दी रहते हुए बिना वीज़ा के रात के अंधेरे में रेगिस्तान का एक हिस्सा पार करते हुए इजिप्ट से लीबिया में प्रवेश करना। खतरा बड़ा था क्योकि न वीज़ा था और न ही कोई दोस्त या जानकारी। किंतु सहयोगी शिव अरुर के साथ मैं लीबिया गया। सदी के महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन का नाम एक तरह से दुनिया के इस भाग में वीज़ा का काम करता है और गद्दाफी से परेशान पूर्वी लिबिया का जनता नें मदद की। अगले 15 दिनों तक हमने विद्रोही सैन्य गुटों के साथ सीमा से 1200 किलोमीटर अंदर तक रास लनूफ और बेन गाज़ी तक रिपोर्टिंग की। मकसद यही कि ज़मीनी स्थिति से देश वासियों को अवगत कराएं।
एक बड़ा फायदा 2002 में रिस्क असेसमैंट कोर्स करने की वजह से हुआ। यह कोर्स ब्रिटेन की सेना के भूतपूर्व कमांडो लंदन से करीब 200 किलोमीटर दूर न्यू हैमशर में कराते हैं – कैसे एक पत्रकार को युद्ध या आतंक प्रभावित इलाके में जीवित और सुरक्षित रहते काम करना चाहिए – यह सिखाया जाता है। और इसका लाभ 2005 में हुए लंदन पर दो आतंकी हमलो को कवर करने में भी हुआ।
लेकिन अब यह खतरा और निकट आने लगा है – खतरा इस्लामिक स्टेट से प्रभावित लोन वुल्फ से लेकर पाकिस्तान में बैठे आतंक के आकाओं दोनो से है. खतरा केवल भारत में ही नहीं अफगानिस्तान में भारतीय समुदाय और काम पर भी है। खतरा बड़ा – निरंतर सचेत रहना आवश्यक है।

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Army `retreats' in face of IGNOU hostility over degrees. Approaches Maharashtra Open Univ


Having fought and won against all odds in hostile battle fields like Kargil and Siachen, the army has had to retreat in the face of continued hostility it is facing at the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) to get Bachelor of Science & Commerce Degrees for its soldiers.

The armed forces despite having signed an agreement, paid the fees, undergone requisite training have failed to get professional degrees for its soldiers, sailors and air men in the past three years. The Army fought a losing battle since 2012 and has now decided to abandon trying to reason with the vice chancellor of the IGNOU Prof M Aslam.

A decision has been taken by the Army Headquarters earlier this week to shift its soldiers seeking a professional degree to the Yashwant Rao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
The Army Headquarters is expected to sign an MoU with the Maharashtra open University for professional certification for its soldiers and junior commissioned officers (JCOs). However, as a last ditch effort the army has once again reached out to HRD minister Smriti Irani seeking her personal intervention for a permanent solution to the crisis.

``In the armed forces soldiers join at the age of 18 and after 17 years of service most retire at the age of 35. In the army they learn various trades – from working in the Engineers branch to Signals to computers. We signed a MoU with IGNOU to give them Bachelors of Science & Commerce degrees where two years of military certification and one year of IGNOU course would be treated as a three year degree,’’ top sources in the Army told Mail Today.

Till February 2012, 4.57 lakh soldiers got enrolled in the `Gyandeep’ scheme paying a fee of Rs 34.25 crore. ``The vertical mobility scheme would mean as soon as soldiers retire after 17 years of service and enter the civilian street they would automatically be armed with a bachelor’s degree. However, IGNOU unilaterally put the scheme on hold playing with the careers of literally thousands and thousands of retiring soldiers,’’ sources added.

This effectively means an Air warrior retiring from IAF is out on the streets without a degree which could have enabled him to get a job in the civil aviation sector. Similarly retiring army personnel have been unable to get jobs commensurate with their knowledge and experience only because they lack necessary certification, despite having undergone training, education and having paid the fee for a degree at IGNOU.  

The army immediately sought a meeting with authorities in IGNOU. ``The response of the vice chancellor Prof Aslam was most unfortunate. On July 4, 2012 IGNOU put all activities related to community colleges on hold and set up a committee to review more than 500 community college schemes. Despite our submission to Prof Aslam and authorities in IGNOU that armed forces have stringent systems of checks and balances the matter was not addressed by an openly hostile IGNOU management,’’ sources insisted.

``The IGNOU Board of Management accepted the committee recommendation for a review of the scheme and even though it said that a special scheme would be worked out for armed forces and MoUs would be honoured, the promise has not been honoured,’’ sources added. Maj Gen AK Mudolkar, additional director general (Personnel) Air Commodore SN Mukherjee, Principal Director Education and Commodore Ghanshyam Ojha, Principal director Naval Education wrote to IGNOU saying the future of retiring soldiers was at stake. But their plea fell on deaf ears.

Mail Today contacted IGNOU for a response and was told Prof Aslam is on leave and the matter was being handled by the ministry of Human Resources and Development.

The three service chiefs also met defence minister Manohar Parrikar and HRD minister Smriti Irani seeking their intervention. Irani remained unavailable for comment but official sources said after the service chiefs met Irani she has directed IGNOU to clear the backlog of degrees and certificates immediately. ``This is a backlog for the past 3 years. IGNOU needs to explain why soldiers were treated to poorly. After Irani’s missive 40,000 airmen have received their degrees and in the army while 2 lakh degrees and diplomas have been given the backlog is expected to be cleared shortly,’’ HRD ministry sources said.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


The past week witnessed intense and heated debates on Prime Minister Narendra Modi government's decision to call off foreign secretary talks with Pakistan. After weeks of Saree, shawl and letter diplomacy, India called off talks with Pakistan because Pakistan's high commissioner to India Abdul Basit went ahead with his talks with Hurriyat. This despite Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh calling up Basit and urging him to build on the positive environment created when the two prime ministers met in Delhi during PM Modi's swearing in, and not meet Hurriyat leaders. 

PM Modi's step has been described as bold by some, fickle & politically confused by some others. Some say PM Modi has set the bar too high.

In my opinion PM Modi has not set the bar high by saying either talk to Govt of India or Hurriyat. This is the least India should expect of Pakistan. Setting the bar high would be seeking action against Pakistan army and ISI officers who were directly involved in 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks (named by Headley in the Chicago court) and closing down the ISI team that operates to inflict a thousand cuts on India before resumption of dialogue. 

PM Modi took a step that several prime ministers and governments in the past debated, but none had the guts to take. It had been hurting India to see heads of state and government of Pakistan and officials come to India and remain closeted with the Hurriyat leaders at the Pakistan High Commission. India did fret and fume but was forced to look the other way. 

India has made it very clear. If Pakistan is interested in dialogue then it has to be with the Government of India and the government alone. Hurriyat leaders are a bunch of sulking have beens and former terrorists, who many say are paid by both intelligence agencies of India and Pakistan. Nor are they elected representatives of the people of J&K. So why give them legitimacy by letting them talk to Pakistan and become a party to the process. 

Lets discuss some of the issues/objections raised by Pakistan and some in India. 

1. IT HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR OVER TWO DECADES: So? just because a wrong has been happening for over two decades does not mean it has to continue happening. It is after all in over three decades that the nation has elected a government with a clear majority and that government and the emboldened diplomatic Corps are well within their rights to set right a wrong precedent. 

2. VAJPAYEE AND MANMOHAN SINGH TOO PERMITTED IT: Again just because Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh permitted it does not mean Modi should permit it too. And then Modi is neither Vajpayee nor Manmohan Singh. A senior diplomat told me the era of weak kneed and meek diplomacy was over. There are new rules of the Game. It is not just India's responsibility to create the right environment for talks. Pakistan should be equally keen to talk and create the right environment. And talking to Hurriyat is doing just the opposite. 

3. PAKISTAN IS COMMITTED TO KASHMIR CAUSE: The Simla Agreement clearly spoke of J&K being a bilateral issue. There is no question of Hurriyat becoming the third party. India will independently talk to its citizens. Pakistan will restrict itself to talking to government of India for forward movement. Should Pakistan have issues with this, the J&K issue can and should be put in deep freeze. 

4. INDIA WILL BE FORCED TO CLIMB DOWN AFTER NEXT TERROR ATTACK: So India must continue to talk to Pakistan because of the terror threat? Does that mean Pakistan holds a gun to India's head? Lets get a couple of things clear here. Pakistan is a state sponsor of terror. Six decades of talking to Pakistan and three and half wars have not stopped terror. There is no guarantee or evidence that talks have prevented terror attacks, including 26/11 Mumbai terror attack. India has to strengthen its internal security apparatus and create/strengthen the capacity to inflict costs on perpetrators of terror. Inflicting costs on perpetrators of terror is an effective counter measure.

5. REGION IS A NUCLEAR FLASH POINT: This is interesting conversation over Red Wine and Kebabs in the track II circuit but there are ample checks and balances and measures of deescalation in place. Look at evidence on ground. Kargil, Parliament attack, Akshardham temple attack, 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, LoC firing and shelling...none of this led to escalation. There are Red Lines. the armies and governments have war gamed it. So not talking to Pakistan at foreign secretary level will not lead to a nuclear flash point and neither will the next terror attack and inflicting cost on perpetrators.

6. INDIA NEEDS PAKISTAN IN AFGHANISTAN: With or without friendly ties with Islamabad, Pakistan has in the past and will continue to target Indian interests in Afghanistan. All the attacks on the Indian embassy in Kabul, Indian medical team and the Indian mission in Herat were directly traced back to Pakistan. Government sources even have names and ranks of ISI officers who master minded the attack. The information has been corroborated both by Afghan and Western intelligence agencies. So all India needs to do is strengthen its defences in Afghanistan and create capacity to inflict cost on Pakistan. When Pakistan realises it is not cost effective to spread terror and that Pakistan will bleed too, it will be compelled to mend its ways. 

7. TALKS TO ENCOURAGE TRADE AND PEOPLE TO PEOPLE CONTACT: The responsibility of creating the right environment for talks is not India's alone. Pakistan government should be as keen for peace with India and it is high time that government of Pakistan realises, not talking to Hurriyat is the least Pakistan can do to create the right environment.

8. LoC WILL HOT UP AGAIN: The 10 years of Ramzan ceasefire since 2003 (sought by Pakistan and accepted by India) has been good both for India and Pakistan. All along the 200 kms of international border, 770 kilometres of line of control and 110 kilometres of actual ground position line (AGPL) at Siachen glacier, the Indian army is both numerically and equipment wise superior to Pakistan. While Pakistan has the capacity to inflict some damage on India, if the commanders on ground are given a free hand, India can and has in the past forced Pakistan to sue for peace and seek a ceasefire. So it is in Pakistan's national interest to ensure LoC does not hot up beyond a point.

9. FREEZE ON DIALOGUE WILL HURT: There is no freeze on dialogue. India and Pakistan continue to have High Commissioners in each other's countries. They are regularly in touch with the ministries of external affairs of both countries. The hotline between the director generals of military operations (DGMO) is operational. All channels of communication are open. Only dialogue is not being escalated to the level of the foreign secretaries, then foreign ministers and then the heads of government. 

10. INDIA SHOULD STRENGTHEN DEMOCRACY IN PAKISTAN: India should only look after its national interest. Let Pakistan strengthen its democracy. It is neither India's responsibility nor duty to strengthen either Nawaz or Zardari. India will talk to who so ever is in power in Pakistan. And there is no evidence on ground to suggest there was a check in terror or anti India activity in Pakistan with a civilian leadership at the helm of affairs. Kargil and a series of terror attacks with civilians heading government in Pakistan are cases in point.

The way I look at it, its advantage India. New Delhi needs to build on it. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Afghanistan seeks tanks, field artillery and attack helicopters from India


150 battle tanks, 120 (105 mm) field guns, a large number of 82 mm mortars, one medium lift transport aircraft (AN-32), two squadrons of medium lift (24) and attack helicopters (24) and a large number of trucks and jeeps form a part of the wish list that Afghanistan has handed over to New Delhi to arm itself ahead of the 2014 NATO draw down. Afghanistan has also sought allied paraphernalia for training, maintenance and upkeep of the equipment.

Highly placed sources in the government have told Headlines Today that Afghanistan army also wants New Delhi to set up a military training facility for its officers and soldiers in Afghanistan and provide a training team immediately. The training is for English language, counter insurgency operations, ordnance-weapons & stores management and also vehicle repairs.

This is assistance apart from the 2 billion dollar aid India is providing to rebuild Afghanistan. India is providing a 2 billion US dollar line of credit to Afghanistan for infrastructure development projects including construction of dams, roads, bridges, Parliament, Schools, hospitals and training facilities. "India is working very closely with the US, Russia and several other countries on Afghanistan-post 2014 draw down and all like minded powers have one goal. Afghanistan cannot be permitted to slide back into the tumultuous days of Taliban at any cost. An effort is being made to synchronize the rebuilding effort,'' sources said.

And in a powerful signal to India, Afghanistan has turned down Pakistan's request for both training their service personnel and a generous line of credit to take "what they want'' from Pakistan ordnance factories. "Pakistan's all powerful Army Chief General Ashfq Pervez Kayani had visited Afghanistan and offered to train the Afghanistan army - both officers and men and also equip the Afghanistan army. One officer even attended the Command and Staff College in Quetta but in his assessment report after the course said officers in future should be sent to Staff College, Wellington (India),'' sources added.

More than 400 Afghan army officers have trained at National Defence Academy (NDA) Khadakvasla, Indian Military Academy (IMA) Dehradun and Officers Training Academy (OTA) Chennai in the past three years alone. A total of 1200 Afghan National Army officers have been trained by India. "And back in Afghanistan they proudly wear the NDA, IMA & OTA insignia on their uniform. Though the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has set up a training base for Afghan officers and enlisted men in Afghanistan itself - communication remains an issue. Therefore they prefer to undergo training in India. We give pre-commission training to 50 officers every year - but call for 150 applications and the cadets undergo an examination similar to services selection board (SSB) in Kabul itself,'' sources added. India does not weed out applicants based on their ethnic background. India is training Afghan cadets and officers from diverse ethno-religious backgrounds including Pashtun, Tajik and Uzbeks.

Afghanistan has also sought Indian assistance is setting up Base Repair Workshops for equipment. "A lot of equipment has been provided to them by different countries. They have so far been adopting a use and throw policy. That is very expensive and cannot be sustained. They have made an urgent request to help set up repair workshops and train their personnel in workshop operations and inventory management. Given the fact they have equipment from roughly 30 countries their inventories are also vast and almost unmanageable. This is one area where we are actively helping them,'' sources added.

Top level government sources have told Headlines Today that the prime minister's office is not very inclined to give lethal military hardware to the current Afghan army. "While India is focusing on capacity building, training and infrastructure, the NATO forces have so far been providing arms and ammunition to the Afghan army. 80 per cent of Afghan army equipment comes from NATO forces. The Afghan army is well provided for - when it comes to small arms, ammunition and infantry support weapons. However, there are real fears that area destruction weapons and tanks, artillery etc. could end up in wrong hands post 2014 US army drawdown. Therefore we prefer to adopt a wait and watch policy,'' sources added. India hopes ISAF will train and adequately arm the ANA before the 'final draw down' not just with infantry weapons but also Artillery, Tanks and other area domination weapons.

There is a small group that believes India should share weapons with the Afghan army and build their capacity to withstand a Taliban onslaught post 2014 drawdown. A defeatist mentality will only weaken the young Afghan army further. For now both the US and India appear to be adopting a wait and watch policy to see Afghan election results.

Speaking to Headlines Today Ambassador Jayant Prasad, India's former Ambassador to Afghanistan said: "India has always been a reliable partner of Afghanistan and there are three features that will define India-Afghan partnership for all times to come, perseverance, balance and adaptability. We will see the circumstances and do what ever is required to make Afghanistan stable and prosperous and that holds true of the defence sector too.''

Former Director General Military Intelligence (DGMI) Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney concurs. "Afghan National army needs an artillery Brigade and Armoured Brigade for protection against Taliban. India has stood by Afghanistan in its darkest days when they were practically abandoned by the world. We have a long term commitment to stabilize Afghanistan and India will not let them down.''
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Thursday, October 31, 2013


Good afternoon ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Gaurav Sawant and I am your punching bag for the session.

I want to begin by playing out a one minute long clip of a question I posed to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh on board his special flight, when he was returning, after a 5 day two nation tour of Russia and China on 24th of October.


Question (Gaurav C Sawant, Editor Headlines Today/Aaj Tak): Its been over three weeks since you met Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in New York. Firing, Prime Minister, has not only increased at the LoC but also along the international border, are you disappointed with Nawaz Sharif and if Pakistan continues to fire, how should we respond Prime Minister?

Answer (Prime Minister): Let me say that I am disappointed, because in the New York meeting there was a general agreement on both the sides that peace and tranquillity should be maintained on the border, on the Line of Control as well as on the international border and this has not happened. It has come to me as a big disappointment. We had agreed at that meeting that the ceasefire which was made effective in 2003, if it has held ground for 10 years, it could be made to hold ground later on also. The fact that this is not happening, is something which is really a matter of disappointment. I sincerely hope that at this late hour Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will recognize that this is a development which is not good for either of the two countries.


Dr Manmohan Singh as you all acknowledge has invested a lot in peace with Pakistan. And he is a disappointed man. So is the nation. And we in the media, only reflect public opinion in general.

I want to ask a couple of questions -

By reporting Ceasefire violations along the LoC and IB and its impact on soldiers and civilians are we, the media, escalating India-Pak tensions? Or are those who violate the CFA (ceasefire agreement) escalating tensions?

By reporting that in August 2013 Hafiz Mohammed Saeed was leading the Eid prayers at Gaddafi stadium in Lahore and that he is the mastermind of a series of terror attacks across India, are we escalating India-Pakistan tensions? Or are those who turn Nelson’s Eye and are seen to be encouraging Saeed’s anti India activities escalating tensions?

It is Pakistan’s worst kept secret that Dawood Ibrahim wanted in India for 1993 blasts that killed 257 innocent Indians lives like a king in Karachi. Are we escalating tension by exposing Dawood and Pak double speak or are those who harbour terrorists like Dawood and Indian Mujahideen’s Bhatkal brothers escalating tension?

Ladies and gentlemen in my 19 years as a journalist I have covered almost all major terror attacks in India. Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Bangalore….the smell of burnt flesh, the sight of charred remains and wailing families are something I have seen and reported on.

I reflect public resentment at Pakistan’s double cross and our government’s unnecessary accommodation of Pakistani sensitivities and engagement with Pakistan at all costs.


If you think TV is bad, twitter and face book are a good barometer to gauge public opinion. While some may be fringe elements, not all on twitter represent the fringe. From prominent voices in the country to the aam admi, just search India-Pakistan and you will see media is just telling you what the nation feels.

My information is not based on documents leaked by the deep state – propaganda against Pakistan - but on solid evidence that has been processed through courts of law in India and abroad.

I was in the Chicago federal court day in and day out covering the Tahawwur Hussein Rana trial and David Coleman Headley confessions. The FBI exposed the role of Pakistani state in the activities of Rana and Headley – not just in terror activities in India but also in Denmark.

It is in Pakistan’s interest to investigate those who dealt with Headley. Did Pakistan do so?

26/11 probe was a text book investigation. From Kasab’s confessions, to intercepting telephone conversations, to the Yamaha engine being sold by Japan to Pakistan to interrogation of Abu Jundal, deported from a friendly Arab country.

Ladies and gentlemen, Pakistan recently tried to stop the extradition of a terrorist from a friendly gulf country – going to the extent of producing a Pakistani passport and family in court. The Indian government then had to produce DNA samples to prove he was an Indian. 

That is how much Pakistan cooperates in the war on terror.

Ladies and gentlemen I want to ask one question:-

When your house is on fire what do you do?

Do you politely, with a glass of wine and caviar in your hand mumble apologetically terror should stop or do you scream from the roof top?

Ladies and gentlemen that is exactly what we in the media are doing. Screaming from the roof top – wake up. Stop this Pakistan sponsored terror.

Tell us are we wrong on FACTS?

I completely reject the theory it is a TRP game. This is far more serious than TRPs. 167 dead in Mumbai, over 100 ceasefire violations in two months alone, we just lost a lieutenant colonel in Samba, a JCO in Uri yesterday. This is not TRPs – at least not for me or the group I work for.

We demand accountability from our own government and as citizens of the world – from the Pakistani government. And we are glad our counterparts in Pakistan are doing the same. Asking tough questions. It was after all a Pakistani channel, Geo News, that first reached Kasab’s village and proved it to the world that he was a Pakistani terrorist.

India has changed. Something snapped during 26/11. Now we want answers. We don’t want war. Nobody is war mongering but it cannot be business as usual without the real perpetrators of 26/1 being punished and terror machinery aimed at India being shut down.

There will be no war. But the media will continue to expose you..and embarrass you…there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

And it is happening already. The recent arrest of Yasin Bhatkal has given even more information on the role that Pakistani deep state has played in sponsoring terror.

We must remain engaged is good. But is the media wrong when we ask what’s the goal?

Pak says TALK Kashmir. Ok so what on Kashmir? Can Pak take Kashmir by force? 1947, 65, 71, Kargil, terror – it is not happening by force and as you now realize, each time it hurts Pakistan even more.

Hot pursuit, surgical strikes, covert action – when media talks about options on the table – even our own government is critical of our debates. But it is good there is awareness in the masses and that brings more accountability from the system. Ours for sure, yours hopefully.

But at the same time nobody should have that Asha that ads in newspapers will bring aman. Even if you have full page aman ki asha ads, they ring hollow when the the front page is all about innocent Indian civilians or soldiers killed in Pak sponsored terror attacks.


1.   Accept the fact every time there is a terror attack, media will ask tough questions.

2.   Such is the nature of the beast that the questions will be biting and will hurt.

3.   Media is not war mongering. Media does not want war at the same time media also does not want perpetrators go unpunished.

4.   All options on the table, surgical strikes, drone attacks, covert operations are being discussed – at media level not government level. We have war gamed a surgical strike in Pakistan in our studio and told our viewers it will not bring a long lasting solution.

5.   If you dismiss evidence that convicted Kasab & Headley as hear say and literature – you expose yourself – your own lack of will or inability to deal with the real issue.

6.   There is total transparency in India – from LoC to Samba to beheading – we ask our government tough questions. I hope one day you in Pakistan will also ask your army and government the same tough questions. Why is Pak aiding, abeting and spreading terror across India, and Indian interests in Afghanistan.






5.   Terror & talks cannot happen simultaneously. Go after elements that spread terror. Like Dr Singh told the Chinese premier Li Keiqiang – the friendship will grow but has to be built on the foundation of peace and tranquility along the Sino-Indian border.

We have to have peace at the borders and ensure Jihad tap is turned off. Then ladies and gentlemen sky is the limit.

And we could actually be reporting on a cricket match or an Indian movie being shot in Lahore and there’d be no resentment to Pakistani artists in Mumbai.

Thank you!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Terrorists planning another Samba-style attack, warn intelligence agencies

Terrorists planning another Samba-style attack, warn intelligence agencies

Two suicide squads responding to wireless call sign "88" and "Hotel 4" are learnt to have sneaked into Jammu and Kashmir to carry out another Samba-style terror attack, warns a secret intelligence note accessed by Headlines Today.

Intelligence agencies have cautioned the J&K Police and also issued an alert to military installations in Srinagar, Udhampur, Jammu, Samba and Pathankot.

While agencies were able to intercept the conversation till about 72 hours ago, the total absence of “chatter” has been a cause of serious concern.

The past three major incidents – Samba infiltration and attack and Keran and Mendher infiltration attempts -- were marked by total wireless silence.

And this makes the task of intelligence agencies more difficult.

"In the past, wireless chatter would give us a fair idea of what was being planned and executed. But with Pakistan Army regulars playing a more direct role in training and handling terrorists – instead of the retired fraternity – there is more discipline in the activities of terrorists. We are dealing with a new bunch of battle-hardened and better-trained terrorists," said an intelligence source.

Pakistan’s strategy is two-fold.

Its army is pushing in its Border Action Team (BAT) to carry out killings on the LoC and return while hoping to push in infiltrators with heavy firing and shelling in Poonch-Mendher sectors south of Pir Panjal and in Keran sectors in north Kashmir.

"One jawan was killed in fresh incidents of firing along the LoC in the Keran sector late yesterday (Thursday). The army retaliated, inflicting casualties on the other side too," the source said.

"We have learnt that during a recent meeting of some of the Tanzeem commanders in Lahore, an ISI brigadier codenamed Mustafa told them to carry out high-profile targeted attacks before the onset of winters. That is why there appears to be a sudden desperation to push in infiltrators despite a multi-tiered cordon being in place," the source said.

In fact, terrorists are being forced to either find gaps in the higher reaches of Shamshabari ranges in inhospitable altitudes of almost 13,000 feet to infiltrate or try to push through firing in the Poonch-Mendher sectors.

"This goes on to show the desperation of the terrorists and their handlers across the LoC. The intercepts indicate the terrorists are being tasked to hit schools, hospitals, temples and market places around Dussehra and Diwali. The terrorists are also being told to target the minorities in Doda, Kishtwar and revive terror in Poonch and Rajouri districts that have by and large been peaceful," the source said.

Headlines Today has accessed a list of 10 terrorist training camps with the number of terrorists undergoing training in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).

1.     Jangal Mangal/Attar Sisa: 150-175 Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) terrorists

2.     Abdullah Bin Maqsood, Kotli, PoK: 75-100 LeT/HM terrorists

3.     Barali: 175-200 terrorists

4.     Fagosh 75: 100 LeT, HM terrorists

5.     Nikial: 80-90 LeT, HM and Al Badr terrorists

6.     Gulpur: 75-100 LeT and HuJI terrorists

7.     Muzaffarabad: 15-175 LeT and HM terrorists

8.     Bimber: 50-75 LeT terrorists

9.     Manshera: 130-140 LeT terrorists

10. Hot Spring: 25-30 JEM terrorists

According to sources, local villagers close to the LoC are being forced to house terrorists just before they are launched across and this has led to considerable tension between the local villagers and the terrorist handlers.

"The available intelligence seems to indicate Pakistan will try and push across as many terrorists as it can before the onset of winters for a summer of unrest in 2014," the source said.

Friday, March 8, 2013


There is a heated debate raging in India, a country that believes in the motto `Atithi Devo Bhav' (Guest is like God). The debate sparked off in Rajasthan, a state that enjoys a rich tradition of hospitality and swears by its tourism motto `Padharo Mhare Desh' (Welcome to my country).

Today, in this country, there are voices that say, Pakistan's Prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf is unwelcome, even though he is on a personal visit and that too on a pilgrimage.

The chief Diwan of the Dargarh Ajmer Sharif issued a statement Friday afternoon saying he will not receive the Pak PM as a mark of protest against the beheading of an Indian soldier at the Line of Control. He struck a chord in the hearts and minds of several citizens across the nation.

India is still recovering from the recent twin blasts in Hyderabad. Even though the government isnt officially admitting it, sources say they suspect Pakistan based Indian Mujahideen and Lashkar e Taiba are responsible for the terror attack that killed 17 people.

The prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh thankfully did not roll out the red carpet and invite Raja Pervez Ashraf to New Delhi, but external affairs minister Salman Khurshid decided to host a lunch for the Pak PM and his retinue at the RamBagh Palace in Jaipur. No senior government officer or minister is to accompany the Pak PM to Ajmer. This is a subtle signal to Pakistan that it is not business as usual till India's core concerns of terror are addressed.

But the sledgehammer blow was delivered by the chief diwan of Dargah Ajmer Sharif. Though his role in the Ziyarat, apparently is limited to welcoming the guests and escorting them to the gates of the shrine from where Khadims take over, he said he will not welcome the Pak PM. His views were echoed by the parents and relatives of soldiers killed in combat with Pakistan and those beheaded by Pak army regulars.

``Pakistan PM's hands are soaked in blood of innocent Indians,'' the chief Diwan told me on Headlines Today. As the news spread like wildfire, lawyers in Ajmer decided to show blackflags to the Pak PM. By late evening, the Dargah market decided to down its shutters as a mark of protest.

The external affairs minister Salman Khurshid tried to downplay the incident, saying he will not react to personal views of any individual and that Pak PM comes with a message of peace. Is the minister out of sync with the thinking of the nation? Why roll out the red carpet for Pakistan? Their hands are soaked in blood of innocent Indians.

the writing clearly is on the wall. The nation does not want to be friends with Pakistan, as long as the jihad factories continue to flourish and enjoy state patronage across the line of control.

Pakistan needs to mend its ways. Today the prime minister is unwelcome, tomorrow it could be worse..